Lawn Care
Do some research to identify the best grass type for your climate and soil type. If you have an established lawn that isn’t all it should be in spite of proper care, consider replanting with a more suitable grass type.
Test your soil. Testing kits are available, or you can use litmus paper. Have your soil’s fertility tested by your state's cooperative extension service or a commercial soil-testing lab. Visit your local nursery to determine your lawn’s needs.
Water thoroughly and only when needed, when the grass begins to wilt, the color dulls and footprints stay compressed. Time how long it takes for the water to penetrate four inches into the soil. Water only in early morning or evening.
Sharpen your mower’s blades frequently to get a clean cut, and never mow when the grass is wet. Cut no more than 1/3 of the grass’s length at a time.
Aerate your soil to clear out thatch, the dead, undecayed material at the soil line. This material adds to a number of lawn problems.
Your soil's test results will indicate specific organic fertilizer recommendations. Although you can spread fertilizers by hand, you'll get more uniform coverage with a spreader. You can also pay a company to fertilize. Your grass will stay green and that and proper watering you will have a beautiful green lawn.
Finally, use herbicides and pesticides responsibly.